Our Team

Michael Dell, MBA, P.Eng.
President, and
Broker of Record
P: 416-777-6741 ex.30
Michael Dell is the owner of Dell Corporation Realty Ltd., a firm that specializes in office leasing, specifically corporate and institutional tenant representation, primarily in the Greater Toronto area and Southern Ontario. Michael has worked in the commercial real estate brokerage and land development industry for over forty years.
Michael’s prior professional experience includes overseeing large-scale land development projects for Nu-West Development Corporation, one of Canada’s largest public development companies. He was also engaged in design and construction supervision of municipal infrastructure for Reid Crowther and Partners, a large Western Canadian-based consulting engineering firm.
Michael served on the Board of Directors of the Canadian Chapter of CoreNet Global from 2006 to 2009 and founded CoreNet Young Leaders in Canada. In 2016 and 2017 Michael was Chair of the annual Canadian CoreNet Global Remmy Awards Gala, celebrating excellence in corporate real estate. Michael has been an active member of National Association of Office and Industrial Properties (NAIOP).
As a member of Wilfrid Laurier University’s Board of Governors from 2015 to 2019, Michael was Chair of the Buildings and Properties Committee (2016 -2019), a member of the Executive and Governance Committee and a member of the Finance and Investment Committee. Michael currently serves on the Dean’s Advisory Council for Laurier’s Lazaridis School of Business and Economics.
Awards/ Recognition:
• 2018 Volunteer of the Year - Corenet Global Canadian Chapter, Remmy Awards
• 2014 MBA Alumnus of the Year - Laurier School of Business and Economics ("Laurier SBE")
• 2012: Listed on Laurier SBE's Leaders of Tomorrow
• 2010: WLUAA MBA Alumni Award of Distinction (Laurier SBE)
Michael holds a B.A.Sc. in civil engineering from the University of Waterloo and an MBA (gold medalist) from Wilfrid Laurier University. He is a professional engineer and real estate broker.
Ryan Dell, BBA
Vice President,
Sales Representative
P: 416-777-6741 ex.29
Ryan Dell is a Sales Representative and Tenant Advisor at Dell Corporation Realty Ltd. with a focus on office leasing in downtown Toronto and surrounding areas.
Since 2013, Ryan has worked on behalf of numerous corporate tenants including mining, financial, insurance, and call centres. Clients benefit from his expertise through leverage in their negotiating position and bringing clarity to office leasing challenges including offers to lease, direct lease negotiations, lease termination, and disposition of excess of office space.
Prior to working in commercial real estate, Ryan lived in Shanghai from 2009-2012 working for Biogrowing Co. Ltd, a Chinese Probiotics developer. Ryan also taught English to Chinese students and was active in the local Canadian Chamber of Commerce.
Ryan Dell acquired his BBA from Acadia University, with a major in Marketing and Economics.